Having Problem of Blue Screen of Death (BSOD)? Here is some tips to solve it.

Hello, Today I'll tell "How to Solve BSOD Problem in Windows PC/Laptop?". This problem could be caused by hardware or software problems.
What is BSOD?
Ans. BSOD (Blue Screen of Death) is an a Error occured due to fault in hardware or software in PC and Laptop.

How to solve it?
Ans. As you read above this problem could caused by both hardware or software error. So we have to first know what is the real reason of this. Here is some reasons and solutions:
  • If you have recently purchased your PC/Laptop and getting this problem then it can be caused by Hardware problem and the manufacturer or retailer will solve this problem by replacing that. 
  • If you have formatted and installed new OS(ex. Windows 7, 8 etc.) in your PC/Laptop and then you have start getting this error then this could be caused due to bad installation files (corrupted files) or due to Faulty RAM(Mainly this is reason for BSOD). Solutions:
  1. Desktop: If you have 2 RAM in your PC then first remove 1st RAM and see are you getting the same error again, if you get then remove 2nd and put 1st RAM and check again and if you didn't get this then the problem is in RAM and you have to replace or buy another. Or if have only one RAM then follow 2nd step.Also adding RAM more then 1GB can solve this in Windows Vista, 7 and 8.
  2. Laptop: If you have Laptop then it is difficult to remove RAM and put it again. So to check  is there any problem in RAM then Restart your Laptop then keep pressing F8 button after that you should get BOOT Menu, then Find there Memory Diagnostic option and Enter, then your Laptop will check is there any problem on RAM or not. The result will be show after Diagnostic is completed.
  • If you have start getting this error after installation of any new software then you need to uninstall that and check if you are getting this error still. If you get again or the new software is important for you, then you can increase virtual memory at least 3GB, just search with your OS "How to increase virtual memory?" in Google.
  • This error also can be caused if you have too low space in Hard drive(where your Operating System is installed). If you have Low Disk Space then try to Delete some unwanted file and see are you getting that error or not.
If this couldn't help you to solve this issue then please contact Microsoft Community. Feel free to ask any questions in comments below.