Having Problem of Blue Screen of Death (BSOD)? Here is some tips to solve it.

Hello, Today I'll tell "How to Solve BSOD Problem in Windows PC/Laptop?". This problem could be caused by hardware or software problems.

Run Android apps in Windows and MAC PC

Hello, Today i'll tell you "How can you run Android apps in Windows and MAC PC?".

[EXPIRED] Free Calls to Mobiles and Phones to many countries using PC and smartphone. [20 December 2012- 20 January 2013]

Today I am come with an cool trick to make free calls to mobiles and Phones to Australia^, Canada, China, Hong Kong, India, New Zealand^, Singapore, the UK^ and the USA; anytime between 20th December 2012 and 20th January 2013 using your smartphone and PC but you need internet.

Run Java apps and Games on your Windows PC, iPhone and Android Phones (Java Emulator)

Hello everyone, Today i'll tell you How can you run Java (.jar) apps in your Windows PC, Android mobile or iPhone.

Having Problem in opening .EXE? Here is an instant solution.

Hello Users, Are you having problem in opening .exe (Windows Application file) File then here is the Quickest way to solve it.

Top 5 Free Anti-virus Software for PC